Owe Back Taxes? The IRS May Grant You Uncollectible Status
Sometimes seniors find themselves owing past-due federal taxes they cannot afford to pay. Although notices from the IRS can be especially frightening, there are solutions.
Sometimes seniors find themselves owing past-due federal taxes they cannot afford to pay. Although notices from the IRS can be especially frightening, there are solutions.
On June 13, 2017, Amy E. Stratton presented “Protecting Your Construction Business from Common Lawsuits” to members of the Center for Women & Enterprise. She was able to share tips about ways to avoid some of the most common law suits in the residential and commercial construction field through comprehensive contract drafting and alternative dispute…
On May 10, 2017, Amy Stratton lectured to the budding entrepreneurs of the Rhode Island Center for Women & Enterprise about legal considerations for business owners. It was a great chance for Rhode Island business owners from diverse industries to learn about some common pitfalls relating to legal structure, contracts and business financing.
On April 27-28, 2017, Kristen Moonan and Amy Stratton attended the annual NAELA (National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys) conference in Boston, Massachusetts. They learned cutting edge planning techniques and shared planning strategies with elder law attorneys from around the country.
During the first three weeks of December 2016, Moonan, Stratton & Waldman, LLP assisted a local project called DVDs4Vets, which is collecting new and used DVD’s for distribution to local veterans’ homes and rehab facilities helping soldiers.
On Thursday, October 27, 2016, Kristen Moonan and Amy Stratton presented Estate Planning Basics to the residents of Capitol Ridge at Providence Assisted Living facility. The presentation gave residents a unique opportunity to ask questions about estate planning and probate without having to leave their home.
On Sunday, September 25, 2016, Moonan, Stratton & Waldman, LLP participated in the Rhode Island Alzheimer’s Associations’ Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Roger Williams Park in Providence by sponsoring a team to raise money for this worthy cause. It was a great success and we are looking forward to our continued active participation in the…
Medicaid has strict asset rules that compel many applicants to “spend down” their assets before they can qualify for coverage. It is important to know what you can spend your money on without endangering Medicaid eligibility.
Caring for an elderly parent can be stressful for families. Siblings may disagree over how to provide care or where a parent will live, and these squabbles can end up costing the family thousands of dollars.