How Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Affect Social Security?
The coronavirus pandemic is having a profound effect on the current U.S. economy, and it may have a detrimental effect on Social Security’s long-term financial situation.
DetailsThe coronavirus pandemic is having a profound effect on the current U.S. economy, and it may have a detrimental effect on Social Security’s long-term financial situation.
DetailsChoosing a nursing home for a loved one is a difficult decision and it can only be made more confusing by the various rating systems. A recent study found that using both Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare site and user reviews can help with the decision making.
DetailsQuickPlan is here for expedited estate planning during the COVID crisis. Learn more about how to protect your health, finances, assets and heirs.
DetailsAlthough many people are willing to voluntarily care for a parent or loved one without any promise of compensation, entering into a caregiver contract with a family member can have many benefits.
DetailsWith the coronavirus pandemic disrupting life across the United States, the only way for the country to return to normal is an effective vaccine. When a vaccine is available, Medicare will cover the cost.
DetailsThere are many unknowns when planning an estate, but you can’t let the uncertainties get in the way of creating any kind of plan. Having an imperfect plan is usually better than having no plan at all.
DetailsYou may have a vision for your retirement, but does your spouse share that vision? Spouses often disagree about many key retirement details, so it is important to work together to come up with a plan you both can accept.
DetailsIs having an out-of-date will better than having no will at all? While wills do not have expiration dates, certain changes can render them useless.
DetailsMany types of property and investments pass outside of probate and allow you to designate who will receive them after your death. It is important that these designations are kept up to date and are consistent with the rest of your estate plan.
DetailsMillions of people are affected by dementia, and unfortunately many of them do not have all their estate planning affairs in order before the symptoms start.